
Compressed air supply IN HOSPITALS

Compressed air supply IN HOSPITALS
Compressed air supply IN HOSPITALS 

MA can be provided into pipeline systems by three methods:
1. Compressors
2. Cylinders connected to a manifold
3. By mixing liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen, also known as synthetic medical air (SMA).

so in this topic we are going to study about compressors 

components are a compressor, a receiver for the storage of gas and some form of regulator to monitor and control the pressure in the pipeline

Compressors for MA plant can be any of three types: reciprocating, Archimedean screw or rotary vane. All have their advantage and disadvantage  and the ultimate choice is based on demand, location and initial cost

Medical air is used in patient ventilators, to power humidifiers and drug nebulizers, and in devices such as automatic tourniquets.
  • it is cost effective for large hospitals
  • There is a higher initial cost than a cylinder bank in order to provide a safe, clean air supply.
  • oil – a lubricating agent used in the compressor that may become an aerosol and be carried into the air stream
  • • particulate debris – either present in the raw uncompressed air or picked up during compression/storage
  • • water – a compression process by-product which may collect in the receiver or pipeline.
  • Risk of contamination at the air intake, which must be carefully situated and regularly inspected.
  • Risk of oil mist contamination from the compressor.
  • The two different pressure pipelines have non-interchangeable Schrader valves which prevents the connection of high pressure air to the anaesthetic machine.

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